Operators for garages and sliding doors: Safe – Convenient – Reliable
Tested quality guarantees convenience and security for many years.
Anyone who has a garage or a sliding door not only wants it to look good, but also for the garage door to open more easily. No problem at all with an operator from Novoferm. At the push of a button, you can raise the level of comfort of your garage or sliding door and shut out any inconvenience. You’ll never have to get out in the rain or cold and open and close the garage door by hand!
In addition to this superb convenience, you have the comfort of tested security. All of the systems and components are perfectly matched to one another and certified by independent institutes in accordance with the latest safety standards.
Novomatic 423 Beltdrive Operator
Garage door opener specifications:
- Max garage door size 10 m²
- Max garage door weight 160 Kg
- Boom length 3000 mm / movement range up to 2560 mm
- Two handsets
- Belt boom
Novomatic 573 S Beltdrive Operator
Garage door opener specifications:
- Max garage door size 18 m²
- Max garage door weight 200 Kg
- Boom length 3000 mm / movement range up to 2560 mm
- Two handsets
- Belt boom